Sunday, May 2, 2010


Like the title description says, there are many aspects of my life that are different from what society tells me they should be. I am 6'6", High School Senior who weighs about 245 pounds. Many people would automatically thing "Boy! he must really excel in basketball and football." Well, they would be wrong. At one point in my high school career, I did participate in all of those activities; however, since the fall of my 10th grade year I have been involved in theater, and I golf in the spring. I work at the local Dairy Queen as a shift leader, making just enough money to meet my needs (which there are very few of). Some other random facts about me are that I can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute. Now I know that for some of you Rubik's cube enthusiasts out there, this is trivial, but for me it is an accomplishment. It all started when I took an honors chemistry class my 11th grade year in high school. My teacher promised 10 extra credit points to whoever could show him that they knew how to solve a Rubik's cube. To say the least, me and one of my friend took this to the next level. Sadly, for about 8 months of my life, I was dedicated to mastering the cube and learning all the possible algorithms that went along with it. My best time was 37.04 seconds. It is one of my proudest, and most embarrassing accomplishments. Anyway, I will now cease my rambling.

My goal for this blog is simple - it is a way for me to reflect on events that happen in my life while bringing you (the reader) along for the ride. All I can promise you is that you WILL find enjoyment out of the crazy things that happen to me.

Sincerely yours-
The author of Otherness (catchy huh?)

1 comment:

  1. This blog is very catchy! I like your "other" definition, and I look forward to reading more about your "other"-like experiences!
