Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stumbled Upon

Hello Everyone,

I decided that I should probably make another post after seeing a sharp spike in page views after I last wrote. However, I'm not really in the writing mood tonight since I just got done writing a paper for one of my classes. So, tonight's post is going to be short and sweet.

First of all, the golf season is now upon all of us in Minnesota, and you cant even imagine how excited that makes me! If you follow golf you will know that the Master's golf tournament took place this last week, and it was a doozy. I was on the edge of my seat rooting for Tiger Woods to win it all (he is by far my favorite golfer). Unfortunately, he only came close shooting 10 under par. But hats of to Charl Schwartzel for winning, he had a great round and finished strong. Other than that, I have been on the practice range a few times, and will hopefully be out on the course VERY soon.

Secondly, I have spent an above average amount of time procrastinating lately because I stumbled upon StumbleUpon.com (check it out if you have some extra time, its pretty great).
One page that I stumbled upon (haha, using the title of the website to describe coming across a website is funny!) recently was about lucid dreaming. A lucid dream happens when the dreamer realizes that they are dreaming, and can then take control of what happens within the dream. The first thing that came to mind when seeing the term was an episode of American Dad, where Steve teaches himself to lucid dream (Season 5 Ep. 15). The second thing that came to mind however was, "wow, an entire world where I control everything that happens! Inception anyone...? The question I am going to pose to you is whether or not you are willing to teach yourself to lucid dream? There are both positive and negative effects to training your brain to do this. Personally, I'm not sure whether I am willing to manipulate my mind into lucid dreaming, but maybe you are. Leave a comment on your thoughts.

So, this post was slightly longer than I was anticipating. As far as more frequent posting goes, ill do my best, maybe ill set a goal for once a week... anyway, just remember that you don't need a parachute to skydive, you only need one to skydive twice :-)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

For all of you who were worried, I am still alive!

It has been 10 months since my last post, which was also my first ever post...apparently the whole, "I'm going to start a blog and be really dedicated to writing it" didn't work out so well...

Anyway, I don't have anything terribly exciting to say. As far as an update on my life goes, I am now...

-In college at the University of Minnesota, and loving it for the most part
-Majoring in Economics (there is a 90% chance that will change)
-In a fraternity (typical frat boy? maybe, maybe not...)
-Just got done applying for a job, lets hope I get it
-Loving life

Now, this is about all I have to say. BUT, if I see that someone reads this random little post from a guy that has been missing for 10 months, then maybe ill write a little something again tomorrow or the next day.

Happy March 21st!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lets just say, "Elvis, you set the bar high"

Hello to all my avid readers(all three of you that is...)! Today, compared to most, was pretty average day. To start my day, I got up and enjoyed a glass of fresh minute maid orange juice(oxymoron anyone?). Then, after a mad rush to get out the door, I realized that I had to be at my show choir rehearsal at 7:30 instead of 7:20; therefore, I was on time for once. For the choir concert coming up, my show choir is doing a version of dance evolution. For this piece, it was unanimously decided that we would split ourselves into groups, and each group would have a separate song that they had to dance to. Unfortunately, the day groups were decided, I was running a little behind...consequently, my group was decided for me. The person I was chosen to dance with was a baritone, who like me, was tall, uncoordinated, and hated dancing. Furthermore, the group decided that we would be dancing to Elvis' "Hound Dog". To complete this horror, our dance was also decided for us (what kind people they are, not only did I not have to pick a partner, or decide what song I wanted to dance to, I didn't even have to decide what my dance would be; if you couldn't tell, there is some slight sarcasm here). The dance constitutes of swaying my hips, shaking my legs like Elvis, and pretending to play guitar with a Guitar Hero guitar. Simple right? Well me and my partner are at rehearsal and the group is getting ready to practice the song. Since we have not yet been supplied with our plastic guitars, I was planning on playing the good ol' air guitar, but oh no, that doesn't fly. The next thing I know, I'm holding a music stand upside down, while awkwardly swaying my hips and attempting to shake my legs at the same time. The only plus side is that I'm slightly more brave than my partner who is determined not to look like an idiot, and in the process, ends up looking like a bigger idiot than me.

Now, if you read this and aren't laughing yet, you apparently aren't envisioning the picture I painted for you. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but while doing the dance I could feel the eyes of the rest of my peers staring and laughing at what they had created. Maybe I was set up for failure...

I was going to tell of the happenings of my band concert which was yesterday(may 3rd), but I got caught up in this story. So if you want to hear about it, I will soon post a side note with the highlights (it was quite an experience - lets just say, it was a concert like no other).

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Like the title description says, there are many aspects of my life that are different from what society tells me they should be. I am 6'6", High School Senior who weighs about 245 pounds. Many people would automatically thing "Boy! he must really excel in basketball and football." Well, they would be wrong. At one point in my high school career, I did participate in all of those activities; however, since the fall of my 10th grade year I have been involved in theater, and I golf in the spring. I work at the local Dairy Queen as a shift leader, making just enough money to meet my needs (which there are very few of). Some other random facts about me are that I can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute. Now I know that for some of you Rubik's cube enthusiasts out there, this is trivial, but for me it is an accomplishment. It all started when I took an honors chemistry class my 11th grade year in high school. My teacher promised 10 extra credit points to whoever could show him that they knew how to solve a Rubik's cube. To say the least, me and one of my friend took this to the next level. Sadly, for about 8 months of my life, I was dedicated to mastering the cube and learning all the possible algorithms that went along with it. My best time was 37.04 seconds. It is one of my proudest, and most embarrassing accomplishments. Anyway, I will now cease my rambling.

My goal for this blog is simple - it is a way for me to reflect on events that happen in my life while bringing you (the reader) along for the ride. All I can promise you is that you WILL find enjoyment out of the crazy things that happen to me.

Sincerely yours-
The author of Otherness (catchy huh?)